School day
We encourage all children to arrive at school before the bell sounds at 8.50am. Being on time for school is very important therefore we encourage you to be here before the bell sounds.
Pupils who arrive late can often disrupt their classes and teachers when entering late and this can cause embarrassment for the child. They may also miss out on important instructions and information about the day which can impact their learning.
The school day starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20pm. This equates to 6.5 hours per day (32.5 hours per week) as per Government Legislation.
Nursery & Reception Classes
Doors open at 8.40am. Parents/carers of pupils in the nursery may come in to the classroom to help their child hang up their belongings.
Once your child moves in to the reception class and is settled we encourage pupils to come in to the classrooms by themselves to hang their belongings. This is to help promote their independence.
Pupils arriving once the teacher has closed the door will need to go to the school office and sign in their child. This is so we can ensure all children are marked in the register as once the teacher has taken the register it cannot be amended.
Any pupils signing in at the office will receive a late mark.
Year 1 & 2 Classes
Once the gates open at 8.40am, children will go directly to their classrooms.
Parents/carers should not accompany children into their classrooms.
The door will be closed at 8:50 to signify the start of the school day.
Any pupils arriving after this time will need to be taken to the school main office to sign in. This is so we can ensure all children are marked in the register as once the teacher has taken the register it cannot be amended.
Parents / Carers must sign their child in using the InVentry system at the main office, giving a reason for their child’s lateness.
Any pupils signing in at the office will receive a late mark.
Years 3 to 6 Classes
Once the gates open at 8.40am, children will go directly to their classrooms. Doors will close at 8:50am.
Parents/carers should not accompany children into their classrooms.
Pupils arriving after 8:50am will need to sign in at the school office to ensure they receive their mark.
Parents / Carers must sign their child in using the InVentry system at the main office, giving a reason for their child’s lateness. Where a child arrives at the office without a parent / carer they are encouraged to sign themselves in using the InVentry system.
Any pupils signing in at the office will receive a late mark.
All pupils
Parents of children in Years 1 to 6 should not accompany their child into the classroom.
The school day begins at 8.50am; pupils arriving after 8.50am will be marked as late.
Late Collected Pupils
The school day ends at 3.20pm and it is important that your child is collected promptly.
We appreciate that there may be rare occasions where a parent / carer may be late. Where there is an emergency or unplanned event which means a pupil may be collected late we ask that you notify the school office so they are able to get a message to your child’s teacher.
Pupils from Nursery to Year 2 who have not been collected at 3.20pm will be brought across to the main school office. Children in KS2 know to come to the main office and advise the office staff that they have not been collected. Where we are aware of a reason for late collection office staff will supervise the child until the parent arrives.
In instances where the office has not been informed, they will attempt to contact the parent by phone and ascertain how long they will be. School policy regarding this is as follows;
- Once a non-collected child is at the office, the office staff will attempt to contact the parent / carer by phone. In the majority of cases the parent is contacted, explains how long they will be and the child remains in the office, supervised until they are collected.
- If the parent is contacted by phone, and in an emergency wants another adult to collect their child, this is allowed as long as we are able to ascertain their identity.
- If we are unable to contact the parent / carer we will attempt to contact one of the other contacts listed on the child’s emergency contact list, in the order that they have been provided by the parent. We would then ask them to collect the pupil bringing suitable ID if they are not already known to us.
- If we are unable to contact anybody on the emergency contact sheet, we may try to contact people known to us as being a family friend / school friend or neighbour to get in contact with the parent. However, the child cannot be collected by this person unless explicit consent is given by the parent / carer.
- If we are still unable to contact anybody, we will wait with the child until 4.50pm, which is 1 hour and 30 minutes after the end of school. After this point the child we be deemed to have been abandoned by the parent / carer if we have still not heard from them. Social services and the police will then be informed where appropriate.
- Where a child is repeatedly left uncollected or collected late, this would become a matter of concern and can be reported to social services.
Parents / carers of late collected pupils will be required to sign out the pupil using our inVentry system in the main office. This must be done by the collecting adult giving clearly the reason why the child has been collected late. Simply typing LATE is unacceptable.
There are other instances whereby it is NOT acceptable. For example;
- Collecting pupils at other schools then arriving late to collect pupils here.
- High school pupils collecting siblings and are therefore not arriving here to collect brothers / sisters until some-time after 3.20pm.
- Traffic whereby this is a frequent occurrence. We would expect you make reasonable adjustments such as setting off earlier.
- Also regular late collections without valid reasons.
These are unacceptable reasons. Arrangements should be made to ensure your child is collected from school on time.